Thursday, May 8, 2008

Digital Fortress-fiction blog 1

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown:
A five character password, she thought. She instantly knew the odds: twenty-six to the fifth power; 11,881,376 possible choices. At one guess every second, it would take nineteen weeks.
As Susan Fletcher lay choking on the floor beneath the keybad, the commander's pathetic voice came to her. He was calling her again. I love you, Susan! I've always loved you! Susan! Susan! Susan!...
She knew he was dead, and yet his voice was relentless. She heard her name over and over.
Then, in a moment of chilling clarity, she knew
Trembling weakly, she reached up to the keypad and typed the password.
An instant later the doors slid open

It's been a while since I have read this book and this is one part of the book that I have always remembered. This is a perfect example of why fiction is so great. Only in fiction can a character succed with a 1 in 11,881,376 chance. To make the ending of this book even better Susan follows up her miraculous password gas with another much more amazing guess that saves the NSA from losing all the information in their computers to hackers.

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